DigThis! — inspiration
Inspiration and where to get it?

Ever worked on a really inspiring project? Have you felt that surge of collective energy and momentum inspiration can bring to both the individual or groups of people involved? Simile have you ever worked on something and felt completely uninspired and that drain it can have on the way you feel trying to get it done? Now thinking about that in terms of making music we can quickly see that inspiration is a pretty vital ingredient in the creative process. With it you can demonstrate your imagination to its fullest potential, without it can feel like a trying process...
The creation of our latest percussion library – "White Lotus Percussion"

With an extensive kung fu movie collection between us it was probably only a matter of time before we paid homage in the best way we know how. "How might that be?" you may ask. By creating a treasure trove of sounds and samples in their honour of course. Theres something about those vintage kung fu flicks that inspires what we do. Those movies encapsulate a vibe of knowledge and spirit and from a musical stand point are still very interesting to listen to. From the fight sequences to the dialogue to the use of instruments, early synthesisers and percussive sounds...